Photocopier, Printer & Scanner Multifunction Training
Ineo Navigator
Ineo Online Learning
Photocopiers Online Learning Platform
ineoNavigator helps you improve your time management and efficiency. By taking advantage of the online training sessions, everyone in the team can get to know the new device(s) quickly and explore the entire range of functionalities in their own time.
Guided by comprehensive explanations, easy and efficient operation is guaranteed.
Copying, printing, scanning and faxing: the explanations are clearly structured but flexible!
You can watch the sequences consecutively or navigate freely between topics. What’s more,without being bound by time or location, you can log in to the ineoNavigator portal anytime and anywhere via the internet. ineoNavigator is free of charge.
We have included links to our most popular models, just click on the photocopier model name in the images below to access the relevant training videos.
If there is no quick link to your photocopier model please click on the link here where you can search for online training for your specific model
Contact Us if you have any questions